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Organisation von Ausstellungen

The Pierre Verger Foundation has organized for more than ten years exhibits of Verger's work in Brazil and in other countries, in order to publicize and disseminate his work among a growing number of people.

The exhibitions are held at various locations, as long as they present the adequate conditions for safeguarding the collection. Therefore, they should be kept in closed and safe spaces with stable 24-hour control for climate, humidity and temperature. For more information on how to organize an exhibit, contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! .

Regarding the exhibit, the Foundation works with two types of production:

Exhibits ready to be held

Some of the exhibitions held in recent years were dismantled and stored and are now ready to be held again. These exhibits contain a number (that varies between 30 and 250) of framed photographs. They also have texts, subtitles, and, in some cases, audio-visual materials.

  • See below a list of the latest exhibitions of Verger:On African Ways
  • Brazil by Pierre Verger
  • Japan in the 30s
  • A Look over Buenos Aires

Original exhibits that explore new Pierre Verger subjects and images

In addition to the exhibitions already prepared, the Foundation also sets up new exhibits either spontaneously or at the request of collaborating institutions. In the latter case, the Foundation can set it up entirely or solely support commissioners and external producers by making Verger's collection available. In any case, the Foundation manages and monitors the use of new prints.