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Financial Support

Culture Fund of the State of Bahia

Since 2006, the Foundation has relied on financial support from the State of Bahia Government through the Program of Continuing Actions for Culture Institutions of the Culture Funds of the State of Bahia / Ministry of Culture. This program aims to encourage a regular production of activities by private nonprofit cultural organizations of Bahia. The Program of Continuing Actions for Culture Institutions allocates resources to cultural centers, archives, museums and theaters to cover expenses related to compensation of professionals, services and / or purchase and / or maintenance of equipment for sceneries, exhibitions; it also contributes to the conservation of collections and archives, property insurance expenses, administrative expenses and contribution to the institutional trust fund. With the support of the State Government, those entities have the opportunity to invest in equipment and reforms, encourage entrepreneurial and sustainable projects, diversify their activities and expand their audiences.
The last bill passed in the call for assets - THE HERITAGE OF PIERRE VERGER IN DIALOGUE: FROM PHOTOGRAPHY TO ART EDUCATION- includes the period December 2012 to November 2015, and, thus, guarantees the continuity of activities during that time.

Financing through calls and sponsorships

The Foundation has received support from several companies, including Odebrecht, Petrobras, Pricewaterhouse&Coopers, and BBM Bank, among others. Usually, the financial support has been useful for undertaking projects of exhibitions and publishing books that are supported by the Rouanet Law.

The Cultural Center has received funding through projects supported by calls of the Ministry of Culture (Ponto de Cultura, Prêmio ASAS, Capoeira Viva, Ação Griô, Pontinho de Cultura, Cultura e Saúde), along with financial support for small projects by companies, organizations and institutions. Among them are: Sol Embalagens, Camaçari (in 2003), Wege zur Einen Welt, Göttingen (Germany) (2005), German Embassy in Brazil (General Consulate in Recife) (2007 and 2009), BBraun, (Germany / Brazil) (2011), CMDCA, Salvador (2012), and recently Dannemann (Germany / Brazil) (2003 and 2013) to support part of the tasks and workshops held at the Cultural Center.

Other collaborations

We have also worked on other projects or have participated as partners in other projects, doing various activities: Aesthetic interactions - FUNARTE (6 projects between 2009 and 2013), Metarede of UFBA / UNEB / UniFacs (2010/11), Prato Amigo (Salvador) (2011/2012), Conexões de Saberes (UFBA / MEC) and Giving Back Fund (Los Angeles) (2012/13).


The Foundation relies also on spontaneous support from various donors, whether individuals or private companies, to carry out specific projects. We must not fail to include here the participation of volunteers in the work of various sectors of the Foundation and the Cultural Center, who contribute with their skills and dedication to carry out various activities.