Pierre Fatumbi Verger

Display # 
Title Author Hits
"Comptes rendus" de livros Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 31563
Livros e artigos Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 64954
Presentation Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 16307
Ewé : Verger and Plants Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 5156
Orishás : Verger and Candomblé Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 39533
Flux and Reflux: African Diaspora Written by Fundação Pierre Verger 5134
Entretien avec Cécile Tricoire Written by alex 16001
Entretien avec Véronique Mortaigne Written by alex 16393
Candomblé com sotaque francês Written by alex 29193
Accompagner Pierre Verger Written by alex 33666
Entrevista de Maurice Baquet e Pierre Boucher por Gilberto Gil Written by alex 21206
O toque Verger Written by alex 27038
A little bit of a rebel Written by alex 613
Pierre Fatumbi Verger e sua obra. Homenagem Written by alex 16666


  • Biografia
  • Sua obra
  • Texts and Interviews Online
    • Verger Interviews

      Pierre Verger granted many interviews to researchers and journalists, mainly in the last years of his life. Some of those interviews are transcribed on the website and can be found on the following pages.


    • Testimonials on Verger

      Verger, who was a modest person, had a complex personality that was difficult to understand in its entirety due to the variety of activities he engaged in and the places he had been to. Testimonials have been collected here from friends and colleagues who lived with him in Brazil, Africa and Europe at various times of his life in order to better understand his way of thinking and to portray his personality in the best possible way.

    • Research on Verger

      Verger's work is the subject of interest of researchers from diverse fields. In addition to his important photographic work, his written work also attracts the attention of researchers, mainly because of his contributions to knowledge of Afro-Brazilian culture. Therefore, in this section we include some texts resulting from his research, as well as the introduction of his doctoral thesis.

    • Verger pelos olhos de....

      Com a reedição do seu boletim bimensal, a Fundaçaõ decidi recolher depoimentos de diversas pessoas ligadas à Verger ou a sua obra. Assim, amigos, pesquisadores, artistas e outras pessoas relataram sua convivência com o mundo de Pierre Verger e como eles enchergam a importência da obra do fotógrafo-antropólogo. No final, o entrevistado e sempre convidado a comentar uma fotografia de Verger por ele escolhido.